Live Blood Microscopy
Viewing your blood cells live in their environment gives us vital information that can be missed during ordinary pathology testing. Live blood microscopy, phase contrast and coagulated blood microscopy are the study of the components of the blood under a microscope.
Your “live” blood is the ideal medium to gain immediate insight into your overall health status. We look for various indicators to give us information about liver stress, inflammation, immune suppression, digestive problems, nutrient deficiencies, toxicity and more.
Live Blood Microscopy or Analysis is not diagnostic, but rather a screening tool enabling accurate questioning of the patient about their current health situation to ascertain the underlying contributing factors. This allows for highly individualised naturopathic treatment plans to be designed to bring the body back into balance so it has the best chance to heal.

The Method
A tiny drop of blood is collected onto a microscope slide via a finger prick and examined. Elements of the blood that are examined are:
The levels, size, shape and mobility of red blood cells (RBC’s).
The amount, size, shape and activity levels of white blood cells (WBC’s).
The number of chylomicron’s
The size and amount as well as the adhesive properties of platelets.
Oxidative stress
Other elements observed are fatty deposits, uric crystals, plaques, bacterial forms and fungal forms. Observations are compared to what is considered normal and any variations are discussed with the client as to the possible health problems and risks associated with those variations.
Your blood is visible to you on a computer screen enabling you to visually see what is going on and to see improvements in your blood over time and feel the benefits of those improvements. Imagine how inspired you will feel when you can see the results of your comprehensive treatment plan.
Disclaimer: Live Blood Microscopy is used as a screening tool. It is not a diagnostic tool because variations can indicate a number of possibilities in relation to health. When used in conjunction with additional tests and thorough case taking it can aid in establishing the root cause of imbalance or disease. It is important to note that other pathology testing and examination by a physician is required for diagnosis.