What to Eat and Why
Eliminate confusion once and for all around what you should be eating and why so that you can feel confident in your food choices no matter where you are

You're Here Because...
You're confused by all the different advice out there about diet
You have tried everything without lasting results and don't know what is actually HEALTHY anymore
You're exhausted because you're doing everything to the best of your ability but feel unmotivated even though you want change
You feel like there isn't enough time in the day to cook a decent healthy meal
You're frustrated when you have to cook a separate meal for you to the rest of the family
You're sick of fad diets that don't work
You want to create a healthy lifestyle but it all feels too hard
You don't like what you see when you look in the mirror anymore
You're overwhelmed with the idea of planning weekly meals

Why would this Mini Program work for me when nothing else has?
If you're anything like the clients that come to me, you're probably thinking 'why will this work when nothing else has'?
Maybe you've tried the Atkins diet, the Keto diet, the juice fasts, intermittent fasting... the truth is, these diets can work- but only for some people and usually only for a period of time. This is NOT another fad diet. Every body is unique and when it comes to how we fuel ourselves, we need to take a more personalised approach.
In this mini program I will walk you through what to eat and why based on YOUR nutritional requirements. I'll help you understand how to eat for a healthy gut, body & mind & the impact food has based on my holistic philosophy. You will finally understand what it takes to move forward and get out of the diet mindset.
"To this day, I still follow everything Kim showed me including my food diary. My body is more slender and I am not bloated or puffy now."
Rhonda's Story
"When I worked with Kim there was a strong focus on using food as medicine and creating a menu that suited my dietary restrictions. I am gluten intolerant, I have some challenges with digestion and food allergies. These issues restrict the foods I can eat and my body’s ability to absorb nutrients.
I feel like I have more interesting options around what to have for breakfast and am very aware of how much better I feel when I stick with the plan: I have less bloating, puffiness and a clearer head. I feel more enthusiastic about exploring new recipes whereas before I wasn’t enjoying food at all.
To this day, I still follow everything Kim showed me including my food diary. My figure has changed from following her suggestions. My body is more slender and I am not bloated or puffy now.
I have recommended my friends and clients to Kim because she is experienced, thorough, knowledgeable, and passionate about natural health and really walks the talk in her own life.
One of my friends who has been seeing Kim has lost lots of weight and no longer wheezes when she breathes. Her asthma is hardly evident now. I highly recommend seeing Kim if you are willing to put a little effort in to get great results." Rhonda Jurd
Mini Program
Key Benefits
Learn which foods to eat with guidelines on the amounts to eat
Understand why to eat these foods
ï‚·Increased confidence no matter where you are to eat what is best for you
Sustainable weight management
Balanced metabolism
Enjoy food and eating again
Improved feelings of happiness and stable moods
Increased energy
Improved sleep
To be able to think clearly
Normalise microbiome and gut function, say goodbye to bloating and other gut symptoms
Mini Program
What to Eat and Why
59$Mini Online ProgramÂ- Module 1 - Discover WHY you should be eating certain foods
- Module 2 - Find out about the role whole foods play
- Module 3 - Eating Guidelines
- Companion Workbooks
- 10% contributed to Just Peoples Charity
When you take action and complete the program you will...
Gain the knowledge and truth about how to reset your body in a healthy way and keep it healthy by learning which foods are right for your body with guidelines on the right amounts so you can get off the yo-yo diet bandwagon forever!
You will feel happy, proud, and connected to yourself and your body
Gain a new sense of liberation and empowerment through knowledge to continue your health journey
Potential to drop a dress size in 14 days
You will have confidence in yourself and your food choices
You will feel motivated to stay committed to your personal health goals
You might be worried that...
You'll fail, again.
Here's the thing. I follow the 80/20 philosophy which means you simply cannot fail. If you have a treat meal, that's ok!
It will be too hard to maintain and you won't be able to be social. Life is for living and I want you to enjoy it. I'll show you how to be healthy and still have a life.
You'll have to make two meals everyday (a healthy one for you and one for the rest of the family).
I'll share some of the tricks I've used to get my family on board. Then you'll know you're doing the best thing for you AND your family.
"I have a much calmer way of being now, I'm steady at the same weight without the yo-yo effects
and it just feels so good to be in my body now."
Kylie's Story
"Before working with Kim I was absolutely hating food, and the process of planning, shopping, making, storing, and on and on. It felt like a life sentence. I was feeling so out of balance in my body. I was always looking for something sweet or a glass of wine and chocolate.
I never felt satisfied and I also rarely felt calm.
After going through the work with Kim and coming to understand which foods are best for me, I have been able to completely change my thoughts and habits around food and it has become something I enjoy and want to do well.
Where I resented the time it took before now I embrace the time it takes, knowing eating well has so many amazing benefits for every area of my life. I have a much calmer way of being now, I'm steady at the same weight without the yo-yo effects and It just feels so good to be in my body now." Kylie Willem
A higher purpose
This program proudly supports Just Peoples to achieve their vision of a world where no one lives in poverty.
By purchasing this program, you are helping me help Just Peoples to deliver grassroots projects that tackle some of the biggest challenges facing people around the globe through technology, healthcare and the empowerment of women.
Just Peoples believe that real, sustainable change only comes about when people are given the resources to lift their own communities out of poverty. That's why all the Just Peoples projects we support are designed and delivered by incredible grassroots leaders who have a proven track record of implementing local solutions to the challenges facing their communities.

Frequently Asked Questions
I'm really busy, how long will this program take me?
This program is designed for people who have a lot going on in life. It's broken up into easy to manage chunks of information so you don't have to set aside hours on end to learn.
I've got allergies and intolerances, will this still work for me?
Yes, this program is allergy and intolerance friendly because you choose which foods go into your template.
Will I know what to eat when I've done this program?
This program is a short mini course to give you the guidelines on how to construct a balanced meal. If you only made these simple changes you'll do wonders for your health.
Can this fit in with my family?
Implementing these changes to your family meals will be the best way to nourish and support your loved ones and teach them how to look after their body.
I've tried every diet, how is this different?
Diets don't work. They are not sustainable. They can leave your body depleted and your mindset and self esteem compromised. Nourishing and supporting your body with good whole foods in the right amount and ratios will give you optimal health and weight maintenance.
How long will it take for me to see results from this program?
Results will be individual for everybody depending on their current state of health. The focus is on nourishing and nurturing the body for optimal health which will result increased energy and wellbeing.
"I feel healthy and most of all, now that I know what food options I have,
I love to cook, eat and confidently enjoy my food..."
Adie's Story
For years I have had a myriad of health related issues including high blood pressure, and pain fuelled by inflammation. For years, I’ve seen a myriad of health professionals leaving me with loads of frustration. Years ago, I even walked out of a Dietitian appointment in tears. It seemed as though everyone was just telling me what I could not eat, instead of what I could actually eat. I was so confused and developed a bad relationship with food and eating which must added to the myriad of health issues.
Kim spent the time and effort working through options of what I could eat. My life has changed.
I feel fabulous.
I have energy.
I’ve lost 10 kilos.
My blood pressure has reduced.
My pain and inflammation has gone.
My hormones are under control.
I feel healthy and most of all, now that I know what food options I have, I love to cook, eat and confidently enjoy my food in the knowledge that I'm not going to have adverse reactions.